Webinar Photo Submission – July 9, 2024 TOPIC: People or Animals


  • Participants may only submit 2 images per WEBINAR.
  • Where it says TITLE - please type your first and last name. Bryan does not wish to see an image title, only your name!
  • Maximum image upload size is 2 MB. 72DPI. 900px X 600px
  • Images will be publicly critiqued by Bryan or guest instructor live during webinar.
  • Images may be of any subject EXCEPT nudes. No nude images will be accepted. Please keep this site "PG" rated. Material not suitable for children should not be posted. YKS reserves the right to remove materials deemed offensive. This means not only erotic photos but also very violent or sensational ones which might alarm children (or their parents). Photos (and comments) which we deem obscene, offensive, or in bad taste will be removed.
  • YKS will not sell or use your photo for any promotional purposes.
  • You will retain all rights to your images. Images posted to this forum are copyright by the posting photographers. You may include your watermark if you wish.
  • You must have the legal rights to all materials you post here. In particular, please do not post photographs under copyright elsewhere – for example, photos scanned from art books or magazines.
  • People who intentionally violate the above rules are not welcome and will be banned from participating.


When you post, please choose carefully. Post your best work. Pick images you would like others to see and on which you really want to have critical input.
A critique is not a putdown. Critical comments are meant to help you improve your work and see from a different perspective.
Please describe your images – tell us what you wanted to express in the image, what goal you were trying to achieve, what you particularly like about the result, what you feel may be missing or flawed, special efforts you made, or any other information that may help the viewer to understand your work.
Please provide as much technical detail as possible, such as focal length of the lens, aperture and shutter speed setting, film (brand and type), time of day, weather, season, lighting conditions, difficulties of composition, camera on tripod or hand-held, and any other relevant information.


Q: How long will it take before I get to see my critique?

A: We will post webinars within 24 hours of the live webinar ending.

Q: How long do I have to access my video critique?

A: We will keep your critique video online for at least one year. As long as you're a member, during that time you will have unlimited access to watch it online.

Q: What if I am unhappy with my critique?

A:  We give CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK on your photography! At YKS, we are ready to provide you with the kind of loving, honest, personal feedback that all artists needs to grow.

Posting your favorite images on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter can be a rewarding experience but social media alone will not help you become a better photographer. So where can you turn to get an unbiased informative critique, from an experienced photography teacher, without any fear?

We are here to help! We are so confident that you will learn something insightful from our monthly video critiques even if your image is not one of the chosen ones!

Q: Will my image be selected?

A:  All images sent in will be critiqued!