Title: Blood Moon
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Description: Martha Bland Had trouble w/ my acretech ball head slipping, and my 50-200 may have been too heavy for it. Don't understand, because it is supposed to handle 25 pounds. I was trying to get it way up high in the sky, and wouldn't hold. So I returned to the 12-100mm. W/ a moon shot a few years back, Kathleen Clemmons told me to open up the aperture and cut the shutter speed since the moon is moving throughout the shot. Looking at my exposure triangle on the previous shots during the partial phase of the eclipse, my speed was something like 1/4000s. Also, how do you take those multiple shot images I've seen displayed? The ones where you have five moons in various phases of eclipse? How long must we wait between shots? I'm guessing we shoot them, then merge them in photoshop.