Title: Reflecting on Days Past
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Description: We're still staying home so my choice of portrait subjects is a bit limited.? This is my father-in-law Jack, I saw a YouTube video by Daniel Norton describing how to use a mirror for portrait photography. This is my attempt to replicate his technique. The mirror is lit from the back with two speed lights, one on either side. Both are gridded, one with an orange gel the other with a blue gel. Jack was lit with an AD600 in a socked beauty dish off camera right (since it's a mirror . . . , it was off to his right as well?). Side note: My email is [email protected] but my first name is Tennessee. I leave it off the email because if you're not from Tennessee, you're very likely to misspell it. ? Tennessee is actually my first name on all legal documents. Clearly I had the best mom in the world . . . , she loved Tennessee where she was born and raised, and I like to think she was fond of me as well. ?? Thanks, Tennessee