Eight years in the making, veering off onto the roads less traveled, the backroads of Provence, France, hundreds of miles of backroads, most of which I have traveled, at times alone, at other times with students, with my daughters, or with models, and on this late afternoon, alone, I drove down the narrow, moderately steep road, my heart started to race as I realized right away that the distant lavender field was a new discovery, and as I got closer, there among these vast, meandering and rolling fields of lavender was the proverbial lone tree, all basking in the golden side-light of the late afternoon. Without hesitation, I soon pulled off onto the shoulder, mounted up the Nikon D500 and Nikkor 200-500mm along with the TC1.7 and was soon overwhelmed with an enthusiastic “joie de vivre”! I so appreciate why some people mine gold and silver. I mine images.I have since shared this location with my Provence Workshop students, and what a joy it is to see their wide-eyed expressions when we come upon this scene. It is one of the greatest rewards of teaching!
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