Title: Jean Smith
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Description: Titmouse, through-the-window closeup, cloudy day, used my built-in flash to get fast enough speed to catch flighty birds. I do burst shooting as many and as fast as my camera will do before the bird flies away. The birds don't seem to like a bright continuous light, but don't react as much to a flash. Used a bw preset to punch it up. My original idea was to get extreme closeups of the feather textures of these birds, but the limitations of distance from the subject vs. getting my equipment close enough to get pooped on keep me this far away. I can still get detail by cropping, a less satisfying way to get the details.
And I get bored taking the same old birdfeeder photos as I see everywhere, so I'm looking for captures like this.
I chose b&w for this shot partly because of the grey sky bsckground. I prefocus as close as I can get to where I think a bird will show up as the feeder swings slightly in the breeze, so it's catch-as-catch-can.