Title: Scott A (phone capture)
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Description: Part of my phone capture project. Saw an old abandoned/condemned bldg while driving by, jumped out and grabbed a couple closeup/texture type shots with Galaxy S10 Phone. Liked the contrast between the worn man-made structure and new birth-of-nature that takes over in our absence. Phone capture image was less than inspiring (of course), so added some drama by manually creating water drops, rain and spot lighting in PS.
I think the rule-of-thirds is represented in several ways in this image - in normal visual manner (across the image), front-to-back (wall, vine, rain), and a bit 4th dimensionally with the emotional elements in the image (Worn, New, and Chaos (rain)). I think its also interesting that the rain is a pivotal element in this image - it is destructive to the unprotected structure, yet gives life to the vegetation that will eventually replace the structure over time.
Oh, I also punched up color using BP's selective color tip.. Thanks!